Can you ever imagine an Arsenal without Arsene ? – by Gautam Sudev
- aksceditor
- January 17, 2018
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I have been following Arsenal for last 10-11 years and I have never seen Arsenal so drab like we have been for the past few months, apart from the very rare moment of glitters.
For over these few months, I have felt it. How my Arsenal has changed. How spirits have dimmed. How ambitions have shrunk. How boring draws have become common. I have felt how the direction in which the club carried me and fellow gunners have diverged from each other.
And people who know me will understand how ardently I like Arsene. It is difficult for me to imagine my Arsenal without Arsene at the helm. (Yes, when I speak about Arsenal, I take that pride with it, it’s my team, my Arsenal).
Every time Arsenal lost, ceremoniously or not, I felt that this wasn’t our day and we would bounce back. Every time someone abused Wenger, I hoped that he would again conjure the magic he once possessed. But now I feel the time has arrived for me, like many other Arsenal fans who fell in love with Arsenal of Arsene, to forget about a redemption and just wait till the reign ends.
I don’t want to accuse Arsene of derailing our club from the path of glory, or for anything else- from stubborn team selection to illogical substitutions- No I don’t see the need to abuse a name I always spelt along with Arsenal. But time, that is something that can haunt you if you can’t keep your pace with it.
I hope Arsene will step down, or rather I should say I don’t believe he can give anything more to this club.
Sincerely, An Arsenal fan who couldn’t image Arsenal without Arsene.
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